
来源:快飞出国留学 浏览:4016 发布日期:2020-04-18 21:21:33

1.学位背景:4 年制正规大学本科毕业并取得学士学位。

GPA 要求:本科GPA 一般不低于3.0。

GRE/GMAT:根据专业不同要求不同,商科通常需要提交GMAT 成绩。


TOEFL 总分要求不低于80 分,口语不低于23 分;

IELTS 总分要求不低于7.0 分,无单项分数要求。



圣母大学研究生项目通过Apply Yourself申请,需要递交以下申请材料:

在线申请表(Complete and electronically submit the online application form)

个人陈述(Submit a statement of intent through the online application system)

个人简历(Submit a curriculum vitae or résumé through the online application)

封推荐信(Arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted through the online recommendation system associated with the online application)

申请费:$75(Submit the application fee $75 by credit card, check, or money order using the payment system associated with the online application)

成绩单(Submit unofficial transcripts from each post-secondary institution (upload through the online application)):如成绩单为中文,须同时递交中文成绩单和英译成绩单

GRE成绩单(Arrange for the submission of official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test scores)

语言成绩单(International students whose native language or language of college instruction is not English must arrange for the submission of official scores from TOEFL and IELTS) 

